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Code of Integrity

Purpose and Scope: 

  • To foster an atmosphere of mutual trust and interdependence among students, faculty, and parents 
  • To encourage both individual self-respect and the appreciation of, and respect for, diversity within the CEC and Compton College communities 
  • To promote honesty, integrity, and individual human dignity among the student body 
  • To reinforce the ongoing commitment of Compton Early College 6-12 to rigor, achievement, and excellence in all academic areas 

Each student, upon acceptance to the Compton Early College 6-12, and, by virtue of that acceptance, shall automatically ascribe to the following

  • As a responsible member of the student body of Compton Early College 6-12, I realize that everything I do and say must be above reproach.  I will be honest with myself and with others, and I will practice appreciation of, and respect for, diversity within the CEC and Compton College communities.  I will refrain from all acts of dishonesty and intolerance, and I will not accept those acts from others.  I will actively encourage my fellow students to follow the highest standards of both personal integrity and academic excellence. 
  • As students at Compton College, I must, therefore, conduct myself appropriately at all times and in all situations.
  • I understand that my enrollment at CEC gives expressed, and implied, consent to be governed by Compton Early College Code of Integrity.
  • I understand that as a CEC student, I will adhere to the uniform policy.  I will come to school properly attired in my school uniform, dress for PE during the appropriate time allotted, and wear my formal uniform on the designated formal days and field trips.