Student Behavior Code
CUSD is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. The principal and teachers will assist students in solving problems that interfere with their opportunity to learn. Students must make every effort to maintain a prompt and regular attendance record, demonstrate high effort in class, and display proper conduct toward other students and adults.
SECTION A: Students will be suspended, given an opportunity transfer, or be commended for expulsion from Compton Unified School District for the following actions:
- Threatening or causing or attempting to cause, serious injury to another.
- Selling or furnishing of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant in any form.
- Possessing, selling, or furnishing any firearms, knife, explosive, or other dangerous objects or defacing property in any way. Parents will be financially responsible for damages.
- Expressing profanity or vulgarity or obscene acts.
- Fighting, gambling, smoking, stealing, or extortion.
- Throwing objects, including food.
- Possessing or being under the influence of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant.
- Use gender appropriate restroom.
SECTION B: Disciplinary action will be taken which may include, but not limited to, suspension, payment of damages, and transfer to another school for the following behavior:
- Defying or ignoring adult staff members or disrupting school activities.
- Writing, making graffiti on, or defacing school property or private property. Parents will be financially responsible for damages.
- Throwing objects, including food.
- Public display of affection.
- Giving identification information to college students.
- Failing to serve assigned detention
SECTION C: Failure to comply with the following requirements may result in disciplinary action:
- Dress appropriately for school. Follow Dress Code/ (No bare midriffs, tube tops, head rags, sagging pants, skinny jeans/tight jeans, or flip flops)
- Cell phones, radios, electronic games, and other electronic devices, cannot be used during school hours. Personal items of value (cell phones, iPods, cameras, electronic games, radios and computers, etc.) should not be brought to school since loss, theft or damage is possible. The District is not responsible for lost or stolen items (including those in lockers).
- Leave motorcycles, bicycles, roller skates/blades and skateboards at home.
- Carry your ID card and present it upon request.
- Carry HALL PASS or written note when out of class.
- Maintain a clean campus by disposing of all trash in receptacles.
- Sign book when leaving the school campus.